My Notebook

Polymorphic file that is a valid Windows-Batch, Bourne-Shell and Powershell script

Andreas Rohner

The following file is a valid Windows-Batch, Bourne-Shell and Powershell script all at the same time. It probably isn't very useful, but I find polymorphic files really fascinating in and off themselves. I created it by trail and error, so there is probably a nicer version of something like this somewhere on the Internet. read more...

How to implement part of the Open-Document-Speadsheet file format using only Bash

Andreas Rohner

The Open-Document-Format is an open XML-based standard for spreadsheets, presentations and word processing. In its simplest form it is just a single XML-file in a ZIP-Archive. So there is no need for bloated libraries to create simple documents. All you need is a simple Bash-script and a few common Linux commands. read more...